Well, that’s a great question… And to answer, I first need you to meet my friend Mark…
Mark’s Story:
Up until a short while ago, my friend Mark was a dieter...
Mark counted calories… Mark even had a food scale, for measuring out his portions (which he brought to RESTAURANTS, for crying out loud…)
Yet despite all that, Mark was still 33 pounds overweight…
And, he might have stayed fat forever… If not for the most HUMILIATING pool party ever, and one stone-evil little girl…
A few months back, Mark invited me to his place for a pool party …
He was SUPER excited, and said he’d been working out and dieting extra hard, and now he wanted to throw a pool party to celebrate his new body…
By the time I got there, the party was in full swing… There were already crushed beer cans everywhere, and soaking-wet women in bikinis running around…
Right away, I saw Mark…
He was standing on the diving board making some kind of speech, wearing a big baggy T-shirt, as usual…
And (this was new), a pair of SPEEDOS…
And just as I walked out there, I heard him yell out…
‘As you all know, I threw this party, because after TEN YEARS of being the fat guy…
I finally got in SHAPE, and I asked you all here tonight to help me CELEBRATE!’
A cheer went up, and everyone started chanting, take it off… take it off… And clapping and cheering…
And, with a huge, excited grin…
He ripped his T-shirt off over his head, and hurled it off to the side, and stood there proudly, obviously expecting cheers and applause…
But instead… There was this ECHOING SILENCE …
People looked stunned, confused, or simply BLANK…
Then… into the HORRIBLE silence… His neighbor’s 6 year old daughter shouted out…
“Mommy! Why does that man look pregnant?”
I took one look at Mark’s face, and I could instantly see he wasn’t just crushed…
He wasn’t just humiliated…
He was SHRIVELING on the inside…
With his face burning red, he grabbed his t-shirt and hustled off inside…
And when I caught up to him, he was slamming his bathroom scales in the door and crushing the life out of them…
He’d already made a MASSIVE hole in the wood paneling …
But when I tried to stop him, he shoved me away and yelled ‘Leave me alone!!’
‘These freaking scales have LIED to me my entire life…’
‘I’ve lost thirty pounds, Eric… THIRTY POUNDS… And I still look FAT AS HELL…’
‘So if I’m going to KILL myself eating LETTUCE and working out like crazy every day… What’s the freaking point, if some little girl is still gonna think I’m PREGNANT??’
He stomped viciously on his scales one more time…
‘That’s IT, man… ‘I’m DONE dieting.’
Then he stormed out of the house… The party ended in confusion…
And all I could think about was the humiliation on my friend’s face…
So the first thing next morning, I bounced out of bed, bolted to my office, and I hit the books HARD…
I consulted medical journals… I studied multiple different diets, and I pored over new medical studies like a nerd studying for the biggest exam of his life…
And almost immediately… I hit a massive brick wall.
All I could find was more of the same mainstream crap that was causing all the trouble in the first place…
‘Eat fewer calories… work out harder… don’t eat junk food…’
‘…Blah, blah, blah’, I thought viciously, as I sifted through more research…
And it wasn’t until a few months later, when I was in the medical library, bulling my way through another pile of studies…
When I stumbled across a genetic loophole in the human metabolism, with INCREDIBLE implications for radical fat loss that I had never heard before…
And it proved to be SO INSANELY EFFECTIVE, that in just eight weeks, Mark’s waistline went from forty two inches, to a stunningly lean 32 inches…
His belly went from a MOUND of quivering flab, to the type of hard, lean abdomen you could iron CLOTHES on…
His double chin? GONE…
Even his FACE changed… From being this doughy, full-cheeked baby face, all of a sudden, he looked like a MAN…
Cheekbones and an actual jawline surfaced out of nowhere…
And, he secretly shared with me, that for the first time in he didn’t know how long, he’d finally seen his ‘little partner’… His best friend down below…
And what’s really amazing is, Mark told me in secret (and I have his permission to reveal this), that…
He said, ‘I swear, man… it’s like an inch bigger! …’
Now, there’s a reason why it got bigger, too…
And I’ll tell you why …
When the fat deposits in that area get smaller, other things start to look BIGGER…
And Mark finally started to not only LOOK like a man again, he started to FEEL like one, too…