FINALLY REVEALED: Dr. Eric Wood's PROVEN scientific fat loss formula for women that quickly and effectively burns away your stubborn fat... without restrictive diets or work-out plans!...
Incredible Hormonal Fat-Loss Secret Allows Women Of ANY Age To Shed At Least 10% Of Unwanted Body Fat In Just One Month

(... And Keep It Off Long-Term!)
PLUS: Strips YEARS From Your Face And Body And Gives You The ENERGY of a 25 Year Old!
"What do YOU see when you look in the mirror?"
Do you see the beautiful, happy, confident woman who has the toned and gorgeous body that matches her inner beauty?...
Do you see the stubborn belly fat... flabby thighs... love handles... double chins... cellulite... and dimples that are holding your beautiful, vibrant inner self from being the truly confident, happy, DESIRABLE woman you truly WANT to be?
If the sight of your naked body makes you cringe, then it's time for a change...
Because NO WOMAN should have to go through life secretly hating the body she's in... and feeling POWERLESS to get the body she really wants...
So if YOU want to get the body you've always wanted...

- The body that reflects your beautiful personality...
- The body that looks amazing in any outfit (ESPECIALLY that one you've always wanted to wear, but have always felt too 'UGLY' or 'FAT' to try on...)
- The body that allows you to move like a graceful gymnast or star on the red carpet...
- The body that literally makes your man's mouth go dry when he looks at you...
Then right now, I want you to do something very important for me...
I want you to throw away EVERYTHING you thought you knew about dieting, exercise… and how to burn FAT
That's right...
If you've been told that fat loss comes from:

- Eating a strict, salad-based diet
- Counting calories
- Working out at the gym for an hour every day
- Cutting out ALL of your favorite foods...
... Then what I am here to tell you today is that this is absolutely, 100% FALSE.
And in fact, it is the REASON that so many women are still not even CLOSE to their ideal weight or figure, despite putting HOURS of wasted effort into trying to get rid of fat...
3 Ways The Wrong Weight-Loss Methods Destroy Your Life...
1. Failing To Give You The Fat-Loss Results You Want
Have you ever truly committed yourself to a diet plan, only to find that:
a) You lose a bit of weight in the short-term, but 6 months or 1 year down the track, you have gained it ALL back?
b) No matter how hard you try, you fail to lose ANY significant amount of weight... and find that the hunger, effort and sacrifices were all for NOTHING?
If this has happened to you, then I have to tell you now: THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Instead, the reason most weight-loss plans fail is because they are produced by fake 'experts' with no real knowledge of how fat-loss REALLY works, who happily take your hard-earned cash without ever actually putting their program to the test.

For a fat-loss program to be effective, it has to be based on solid SCIENTIFIC evidence.
2. Restricting Your Every Move
The number one reason why diets fail is that they are simply unsustainable long-term. Constantly measuring out food portions, being unable to eat out at a restaurant, and being unable to ever have 'cheat foods' will eventually drive any dieter mad and cause her to give up altogether.

For a fat-loss program to be effective, it has to work IN with your life, not work AGAINST it.
3. Shattering Your Self-Esteem
The most destructive thing of all is that after multiple diets have failed to give you the long-term fat-loss results you want, YOU start to feel like the failure. And feeling like you will always be stuck in a body you don't love can have a MASSIVE impact on your self-esteem... as well as your relationships, career, health, sex life and overall wellbeing.

For a fat-loss program to be effective, it has to be ACHIEVABLE and MOTIVATING.
There Is An Easier Way!
See, the answer to fat burning is NOT restrictive diets... And it's NOT those boot-camp exercise programs that are impossible to stick to long-term...
Instead, achieving the body that you truly desire...
It's a cutting-edge new scientific fat-loss technique called Hormonal Fat-Burning that works for women of ANY age, shape, or size...
Hormonal fat burning is a truly amazing fat loss breakthrough, unknown to most health and fitness professionals...
That allows you to melt off at least 10% of your unwanted body fat just in the very first month (and keep it off long term!)...
Hormonal Fat Burning Method:
- Enhances fat burning by 50%
- Retains healthy lean muscle tissue
- Boosts engery
- Quickly breaks down stubborn belly fat
- Strips years from your body
All by utilizing an extraordinarily powerful (yet little known) 'super hormone' inside your body...
A hormone that is proven to drastically increase your fat-burning metabolism, without dieting or deprivation…

Giving you that flat, sexy tummy and slim figure you've always wanted, at any age...
All by working WITH your body, not AGAINST it, so that you can burn stubborn fat in the fastest and most natural way possible... even when you're sleeping!
Finally, this is a safe, easy, effective fat-burning method that WORKS... WITHOUT taking over your life!
The great thing is, hormonal fat burning WILL work for you...
- EVEN if you don’t think you have the ‘willpower’ for dieting…
- EVEN if you come from a long line of truly bad genetics…
- EVEN if you don’t like ‘working out’…
- EVEN if you don’t like ‘working out’…
- (I’m not kidding – this is 100% tested by rock-solid science!)
See, if diets or work-out plans haven't given you the fat-loss results you've wanted in the past, then this is NOT your fault.
In fact, there are now several scientifically-proven reasons why conventional weight-loss advice NEVER works long-term...

Five Reasons Why Conventional Weight-Loss Advice Never Works:
1. 95% Of What You’ve Ever Been Told About Fat Is WRONG.
All your life, you have probably been told that 'fat' is the enemy... You were scared into believing that the more fat you eat, the fatter you will be. But this is a straight-out LIE.
Recent research has shown that not ONLY do natural fats such as coconut oil and unprocessed animal fat NOT make you gain fat, they can actually increase FAT BURNING.
That's right... while natural fats are actually a FRIEND to your body, it is some of the foods that you may think of as 'fat-free' that are the real killer to your waistline... By causing your fat-burning balance to spiral out of control.

Hormonal Fat Burning Method: With the hormonal fat-burning method, you will discover that eating the RIGHT kind of fats actually triggers your body's most powerful fat-burning hormone to start burning your stubborn fat for fuel...
Allowing you to quickly shed fat, while feeling fuller and more satisfied for longer.
2. Conventional Work-Out Plans Are Never Designed To Trigger Maximum FAT-LOSS.
The truth is, working out for an hour or more at the gym every day is NOT the answer to burning fat.
In fact, when you are pushing yourself too hard and are working out in the WRONG way, you can actually cause your body to PRESERVE fat and burn MUSCLE... slowing your metabolism and making your fat-burning goals IMPOSSIBLE to achieve....

Hormonal Fat Burning Method: There is a much more effective, easier way to burn fat than grueling cardio and weights sessions that take over your life... and it all starts with activating your body's natural fat-burning super-hormone.
3. Counting Calories Is NOT The Answer.
With all of the focus on calories, focus has been completely taken away from what ACTUALLY WORKS when it comes to burning fat. In actual fact, counting calories is a massive waste of your time.
Not only does it make you obsess about food, its effects are nearly INSIGNIFICANT when you compare it to using your body’s natural fat-burning hormone to burn away your unwanted fat.

Hormonal Fat Burning Method: When you are eating the RIGHT foods to activate your fat-burning hormone, you can actually enjoy surprisingly large proportions of delicious foods while STILL burning massive amounts of fat... something that calorie counting would never allow!
4. Conventional Diet Plans Are Too Restrictive And Impossible To Maintain.
Many diet plans require you to cut out whole food groups altogether (e.g. 'carbs'), and do not allow room for any respite (...times when you can 'cheat' and have the treat foods you love).
And, although these diets may have some short term effects, they almost NEVER work long-term.
Why? Because they are simply IMPOSSIBLE to maintain! You may be able to eat 'rabbit food' and resist pizza and beer for one month, but for LIFE? No way! (After all, you're only human).
And the worst thing is, as soon as you give up on one of these 'TOO HARD' diets, all of that weight you'd lost is quickly regained... making all of your hard work for NOTHING.

Hormonal Fat Burning Method: For fat-plan to be effective long-term, it must allow you room for fleibility. With hormonial fat-burning, you can maintain your lifestyle and NEVER go hungry, while trimming inches from your waistline!.
5. Conventional Weight-Loss Advice IGNORES Your Most Effective Fat-Burning Weapon: Your Natural Fat-Burning Hormone.
Any diet plan that is not specifically designed to work WITH your body and your natural fat-burning hormones (I’ll explain more on this below) is NOT worth your time or effort.
See, no matter how hard you try to lose weight, if you are FIGHTING YOUR BODY in the process, you are never going to get the results you want (this is known as the ‘Metabolic Trap’).

Hormonal Fat Burning Method:When you work WITH your body, you can actually eat MORE of the foods you enjoy, while BURNING MORE FAT! This is why the hormonal fat-burning method gets you the fat loss RESULTS that conventional 'diets' fail to provide.
Hormonal Fat-Burning Will Beat Any ‘Diet’ or ‘Workout Plan’… Without Taking Over Your Life!
With hormonal fat-burning, you can eat large portions of delicious, flavorsome and filling foods that conventional diets would NEVER allow you to eat...
And do the kind of short, fun work-outs you actually ENJOY (or don't even work out at all)... and it will STILL work for you!
You may have thought that that unsightly cellulite and 'orange peel' on your butt and thighs was there for life... but with hormonal fat burning, you will be amazed as you see it literally melting away... firming your bum, slimming your thighs and narrowing your waist... giving you the toned, sexy body you've always wanted!
You may have thought that you were too old to ever get into shape... but with hormonal fat-burning, you will kick-start your metabolism back into action, and awaken your body's natural fat-burning hormone to take YEARS off your body.
You may have thought that you don't have the willpower to stick to a weight-loss plan... but with hormonal fat burning, you will be AMAZED at how easy and natural it is to integrate this into your life... because unlike other 'diets', it allows you to live your life the way YOU want to... you will love the results and the food so much you will never look back!

Plus, check out these other incredible health benefits of Hormonal Fat-Burning:
- Boosts immune system (keeping you healthy and free from infection)
- Lowers cholesterol (no more pills or monthly doctor visits)
- Slows aging (adding YEARS to your life)
- Decreases risk of heart disease and diabetes (keeping your heart and body in optimum health)
- Boosts energy (so you get MORE out of life)
- Flushes toxins from your body (allowing your cells to heal and repair)
- Improves skin tone (giving your skin a firmer appearance)
- Reduces bloating and other digestive problems (significantly reduced bloating, gas and discomfort)
Who Am I And How Do I Know So Much About Fat Burning?
Hello, I'm Dr. Eric Wood. I'm a licensed naturopathic physician specializing in weight loss and chronic illness, and practice at a specialized holistic weight loss and health clinic in Ft Lauderdale, Florida.
I am also the founder of Visionary Health, in which I work with clients locally as well as internationally.
And as a doctor and internationally recognized fat loss specialist to thousands of happier, healthier, slimmer women...
I'd like to tell you a little about how I came to discover the breakthrough hormonal fat-loss technique that allows my clients to achieve such astonishing fat-loss results.
See, early in my career, I began to notice how particularly for women, efforts to lose weight did not often equal results.
And at first, I admit I wondered if this lack of results was largely due to clients not sticking to their fat-loss plans...
But after seeing firsthand the work that women were putting into losing weight, only to frustratingly drop no more than a couple of pounds...
I soon realized that there MUST be something else at work... something that was 'jamming up the system' and forcing these women to RETAIN the fat they so badly wanted to burn.
In fact, my friend Shannon was a great example of this... and to highlight this problem, she has very kindly and bravely agreed for me to share her personal story with you today...

Dr. Eric Wood (ND)
- Licensed naturopathic physician (ND)
- Graduate of Mind Body Medicine at Harvard University
- Associate Professor of Holistic Nutrition at Hawthorn University
- Graduate of Food As Medicine at Georgetown University
- Founder of Visionary Health
- Specialist in weight loss, adrenal fatigue, anti-aging, integrative oncology and biotoxin illnesses
- Certified in CanFitPro personal training
- Creator of Scientific Fat-Loss
I have to warn you though, this is a deeply personal story that Shannon has ONLY agreed that I share with you on the basis of it highlighting a major problem that many women face...
So please, remember that my aim in sharing this with you is simply to show you EXACTLY why helping women to achieve the body they truly want through fast, proven scientific methods has become my life's ambition...
And why it is so personally important to me to be able to help women feel confident and beautiful in their own skin...
So, here goes...
Shannon is 42 years old, and a proud mom of 2 beautiful teenage kids. And... up until recently, Shannon was a dieter.
Shannon counted calories, and she even had a food scale for measuring out her portions.
Yet despite all that, Shannon was still 33 pounds overweight... struggling for energy and constantly feeling like a failure, because no matter how hard she tried, she still hadn't lost the weight she so badly wanted to lose...
And, she might have stayed stressed out and struggling forever...
If not for one bitchy shop assistant and one terrible week that was MEANT to be a celebration, that instead turned out to be a complete humiliation from start to finish...
Shannon's Story:
Six months ago, Shannon and her best friend were planning a trip to Hawaii, and to get in 'beach shape', Shannon went on the mother of all diets...
"I'd been doing yoga and pilates regularly for a couple years," she told me...
"And I looked okay from the front, but from the back, my thighs and butt were a MESS of dimples and orange peel..."
"And even though I tried to be body confident and proud, the thought of going to the beach with my skinny friend Beth was enough to make me determined to lose the weight..."

"So I started counting every calorie... I started working out hard, with weights and cardio..."
"I guzzled 2 gallons of water a day, because I heard it 'flushes out the fat"...
"And I tried really, REALLY hard..."
"Then, on our first day in Maui, Beth and I were trying on bikinis in the store, before heading to the beach..."
"And when I came out of the changing room in my bikini, standing next to Beth in the mirror I didn't see the fit, toned body I'd been working my ass off for..."

"I saw a saggy belly, huge thighs, and MISERY on my face..."
"Beth saw the look on my face, and she said it wasn't my fault I was 'curvy', and that I should be proud of my body at any weight..."
"So I tried to smile and look happy, even though I was fighting back tears of frustration on the inside..."
"Then... one of the skinny, tanned shop assistants came over, and she saw the way I was practically busting out of my bikini..."

"So she suggested I try shopping next door..."
"She said they have sizes for 'larger women' there, and she said that way I could "look as cute on the beach as my gorgeous friend..."
"I mumbled something polite, and then I went back into the changing room and burst into tears..."
"I spent the rest of the vacation hiding in the hotel room..."
"After everything I'd done, I still felt too fat to even go to the beach ONCE..."
"All those hard months of dieting and working out were for NOTHING..."
"Please, Eric, you're a doctor... you must know what to do, right??"
I could see the desperation in Shannon's eyes... and the pain that was choking her inside.See, like for so many other women, Shannon's excess weight was not simply causing her to feel unattractive...
It was literally eating away at her self-esteem, affecting her sex drive... bringing her self-confidence crashing down...
And making her seem only a shell of the bubbly, happy, loving woman I'd always known and cared for...
And Shannon is by no means a lone example...
In fact, research has shown that women are often hit by weight issues a LOT harder than men...
Here's what the research tells us...
- Women are more critical of their appearance than men...
- Women tend to have a lower body-image than men...
- Women are judged more on their appearance than men...
And to top it all off... - Women are more likely to 'comfort eat' to cope with stressful and emotional times...
And when the odds are stacked this much against you... it's NO WONDER why unwanted fat is causing so many amazing, beautiful women just like my friend Shannon to be on the point of breakdown...
...Which is the exact reason why I made it my LIFE'S WORK to come up with an effective, achievable, satisfying and life-changing solution to this problem...
So that I can help all the women out there who are feeling trapped in their own bodies, to finally achieve the beautiful figure they have always wanted...
And lucky for Shannon and already hundreds of other women, I discovered that very solution...
A formula that allowed Shannon to achieve a stunning 36 pounds of fat loss in just twelve weeks...
And to regain the confidence and happiness in her body that she'd always been lacking up til now...
Information that allowed Shannon to throw out every last one of her baggy shirts and elastic-waisted pants, and to walk down the beach proudly, just twelve weeks later, wearing a teensy-tiny little zebra-print bikini...
So ... maybe you're wondering ... 'How on earth is that even possible??'
I can understand if you're skeptical... After all, there are plenty of 'false gurus' out there selling 'magic bullets' for weight loss...
Yet, unlike those so-called experts and cheesy magazine crash diets...
I'm not here to tell you how to 'lose 20 pounds in 10 days' by taking some weird pill, or try to sell you some stupid exercise program (that's so long and boring you'll probably give up in a few days anyway)...
And this is DEFINITELY nothing to do with dieting, working out, or anything that you can't HAPPILY maintain long-term...
Instead, this breakthough fat-burning technique is a completely unique method, unlike any other, for utilizing the most powerful metabolic hormone of the human body...
And right now, I'm going to give you the scientifically-tested, irrefutable PROOF that this fat-burning 'super hormone' works like nothing ever before, to burn unwanted fat and destroy cravings permanently...
On women of ALL ages and ALL lifestyles...

See, after spending MONTHS scouring deep through PILES of journals at the medical library, trying to find the answer to EXACTLY what was preventing women from losing weight (DESPITE their 'healthy eating' and 'exercise' efforts)...
I suddenly realized the ONE massively important thing that was MISSING from all of the dietary science and medical weight loss plans I had been reading...
A factor so important to female fat-loss, I was shocked at how much it had been OVERLOOKED in the research and literature...
...And I instantly know knew THIS was the reason why women like my friend Shannon had found it almost impossible to lose weight using conventional diets...
And that reason is... HORMONES.
My SHOCKING discovery
The reason answer wasn't about changing the female body... it was allowing the female body to change ITSELF
After months of research, I discovered a totally UNCONVENTIONAL breakthrough fat-loss principle that proved to unleash a surprising 'domino effect' of fat-burning hormones in the female body...
A genetic loophole in the human metabolism dating back over 10,000 years, with INCREDIBLE implications for female fat loss...

And I have to admit, it went against a LOT of conventional 'WISDOM' about the female body and how to lose weight...
But with great excitement, I instinctively knew that this was the EXACT reason why so many women have struggled to lose ANY fat using these conventional methods...
Which is why, in order to share my discovery with you right now, I first need you to let go of ALL the information you have previously learnt about weight gain and weight loss...
Anything you've heard about calories, low fat, low carb, fasting, exercise, and detoxes...

You can let it all go right now, because when it comes to fat loss, a flat stomach, and a lean, healthy body, your success has NOTHING to do with CALORIES AT ALL...
And this is the 100% truth, backed by serious dietary science, and by the PROVEN results I have seen in already hundreds of my female clients...
Which means the problem is NOT YOU... It is NOT how many CALORIES you eat...
And it is DEFINITELY NOT how many calories you 'burn' through exercise...
Your body's ability to lose body fat permanently, is almost completely controlled, NOT by calories, but by your number-one fat-burning 'SUPER-hormone'...
And that hormone is called…INSULIN.
Now, you may think you know about insulin already, especially if you’re at all familiar with popular low-carb diets like Atkins…
But I promise, this is NOT about going ‘low carb’, and it’s not what you think, so pay close attention…
Quick Facts About Insulin:
- Insulin is a peptide hormone produced in the pancreas
- It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
- It also determines whether your fat is stored or burned as energy
- Major problems can arise when it is out of balance (e.g. diabetes)

Here’s the deal…
Whenever you eat any food (whether it’s carrot sticks or carrot cake)…
There is a VERY SPECIFIC hormonal reaction in your body, that is completely responsible for whether that food will be stored as body fat (which obviously makes you fatter), or burned as FUEL (which makes you slimmer, smaller, and lighter)…
In other words, the CALORIES in food actually have NOTHING to do with whether that food makes you bigger or smaller…
The ONE key element that determines which reaction happens in your body?
The ONE THING that determines whether you’ll store fat or burn it?
You got it…
And here’s a quick breakdown of how it works…
Any time your insulin is out of fat-burning ‘balance’, an ugly domino effect starts unfolding in your body…
First, your fat storing metabolism kicks into overdrive…
Which means that ANY food you eat (no matter how ‘healthy’ it is) is immediately converted directly to flabby, unsightly body fat…
Which shows up as that gut that overhangs your belt… spare tire around your hips… sweaty back rolls… ‘man boobs’… and wobbly double chin……
Next, your fat-burning metabolism grinds to a screeching halt… meaning that no matter how hard you work out, and no matter how little you eat, you don’t lose ANY weight…
…Because your body is literally hormonally blocked from burning even one ounce of fat!

This fat-storing domino effect is the biggest reason why you can eat almost NOTHING and still gain weight (or fail to lose any weight)…
And, it is the biggest reason why ALL diets FAIL long-term…
However, the good news is there’s a simple solution, that signals your metabolism to work WITH your hormones instead of FIGHTING them, and to burn fat round the clock (in the exact way humans were DESIGNED to)…
And the solution comes from the science of paleontology (which is actually the study of cave people)…

So what the heck do cave people have to do with fat burning??
Well, as paleontologists have recently discovered…
Cave people, despite eating HUGE amounts of fat and meat (and relatively few ‘healthy’ foods like fruits and vegetables)…
Were almost stunningly lean, healthy, and almost completely FREE of all the body fat-based diseases we suffer from today…
And, when they weren’t dying from saber tooth tiger attacks or clubbing each other with rocks… they actually lived longer, healthier lives than we do today…
But MOST of all… they were lean for LIFE… without even trying.
… How??
Well, it sure wasn’t because they counted their calories or hopped on the Stairmaster, that’s for sure…
And it definitely wasn’t because they ate piles of boring vegetables and salads, either (in fact, they ate almost NONE of that stuff…)
Instead, it’s for one SIMPLE and BREATHTAKINGLY POWERFUL reason…
They ate foods that triggered their biology and their hormones to burn body fat… and we do not.
The little-known truth is, your body is genetically hardwired to eat a certain way …

And when you don’t eat the right way for your genetic wiring, you are FIGHTING your body…
You are ‘programming’ your hormones to STORE fat, instead of BURNING it…
And you are putting out the welcome mat for weight loss that’s so difficult, it feels IMPOSSIBLE…
Yet, when you eat the fat-burning foods that Nature designed us to eat (and I DON’T just mean vegetables!)… You trigger your hormones to BURN fat instead of storing it…
And you tap into an incredible genetic loophole… One that’s 100% backed up and supported by rock-solid science…
…That allows you to ‘exploit’ your natural fat-burning hormones, lose as much weight as you want… AND keep it off long-term…
So if you want to stop BLOCKING your hormones from giving you the flat tummy and sexy waistline you've always wanted...
And quickly melt away any unwanted cellulite, 'orange-peel', and stubborn belly fat that is only causing you unhappiness and insecurity...
Then, you NEED to read to what I have to share with you below...
See, after discovering the incredibly intricate relationship between a woman's hormones and her ability to burn fat...
I KNEW I had to find a way to share this breakthrough with women around the globe...
So, I designed a complete fat-loss system` that counters every flaw of conventional weight-loss advice, and allows women of ALL ages to easily achieve the toned, sexy body of their dreams...
It is a lifestyle plan that works perfectly in sync with your body's natural fat-burning hormone to give you the fat-burning results you want...
- Without dieting...
- Without restricting yourself to bland foods...
- Without counting calories or weighing your food...
- Without spending hours at the gym (you don't even have to see the inside of a gym if you don't want to!)...
- In fact, basically without doing anything you don't WANT to do... (EVEN if you're genetically disadvantaged to burn fat!)
This is not a crash-diet... this is a lifestyle...
A 100% medically tested scientific solution that's PROVEN to deliver these astonishing fat-burning results in women of ALL ages...
A scientific principle that has already allowed thousands of women everywhere, to melt off pound after pound of stubborn body fat...
And experience the slimmest, sexiest thighs, booty and waistlines of their life...
A solution that has PROVEN to outperform low-fat and low-calorie diets…
And it’s called…
Scientific Fat Loss for Women
The Fast-Working Hormonal Secret to a Flat Tummy and Fabulous Figure At Any Age
Scientific Fat Loss For Women is a proven, medically recommended weight loss system for women that uses Hormonal Fat-Burning to trigger the hormones inside your body to burn away stubborn fat, WITHOUT dieting...
It's a modified paleo approach to fat loss, that takes the BEST aspects of paleo eating and combines them with never-seen-before breakthrough dietary science, to enable stunning fat loss for the female figure...
...WITHOUT forbidden foods, and WITHOUT grueling workouts...
And this solution works for women of ALL ages and ALL lifestyles...

- Even if you have ZERO willpower...
- Even if you're genetically disadvantaged to burn fat...
- Even if your metabolism is slower than molasses...
- Even if you have a health condition that makes weight-loss next to impossible...
- Even if you have overpowering food cravings...
- And even if you honestly believe you’ve tried EVERYTHING!
This is fat loss that works WITH your natural female hormones, to burn the fat right off your most stubborn areas...
And give you the flat tummy and lean, sexy figure you've always wanted, WITHOUT fighting your body...
All by unlocking your genetic potential for hormonal fat-burning like nothing else can...
And this powerful method is what has allowed women like Shannon, Tracy, Hannah, and hundreds of other women around the globe, to experience the incredible fat-loss results you've read about today...
Here Are Just SOME Of The Fat-Fighting Tools You’re About To Get In My Scientific Fat-Loss System…
Let's take a look at some of the fast, unique, and super-effective fat-loss tools you're about to get in my system...
Send your fat-burning mechanism into overdrive with my 'Hormonal Fat Burning SUPERCHARGE Method'...
...Simply by eating the EXACT foods your body is genetically wired to eat!
These foods will trigger your body's most powerful fat-burning hormone, to burn off your stubborn body fat, and whittle your waistline down faster than ever!
Keep your fat-burning going on hyper-speed until you have the incredible figure you've always wanted!
Learn the proven medical science behind why CARDIO and EXERCISE are truly not necessary to burn fat...
Yes, here's how to get a ridiculously slim waistline for life, without EVER picking up a single dumbbell or lacing up your running shoes...
So when you hear other women talking about boring, unpleasant workouts, you can just smile, sit back, and admire your sexy, flat tummy - that you got without ever doing ANYTHING you didn't feel like doing...
(And best of all, it's all 100% backed up by rock-solid SCIENCE!)
Utilize a little-known 'Belly Blaster' trick that SUPERCHARGES your body's ability to use your own body fat for fuel...
When you use this little-known trick, your body starts to suck out unwanted fat and actually uses it to SPEED UP your metabolism, making you burn fat faster than ever...
Plus, this makes long-term fat loss actually ENJOYABLE, because you get to deliberately enjoy generous portions of delicious, wholesome foods and know that your body is using those foods to quickly burn away your most stubborn belly fat!
Discover the shocking TRUTH about 'healthy' foods that actually DESTROY your body's ability to burn fat...
These common foods make weight loss a total struggle, and it's a huge part of why fat-burning is so difficult for most women!
Once you kick these so-called 'healthy' foods out of your diet, you will be AMAZED at how quickly that unwanted flab and cellulite disappears!
Next, relieve excessive bloating, gas, pain & discomfort forever with my 'Gut Rejuvenation' method...
Is your aching or bloated gut constantly causing you discomfort or embarrassment?
Say goodbye to excessive bloating and gas forever with my Gut Rejuvenation method, which quickly gets your digestive system back into optimal health...
...So that you can enjoy the benefits of a flat, bloat-free tummy!
Discover how to use a simple Metabolic Trick to lose up to 2 dress sizes per month...
Did you know that certain TIMING of specific meals has allowed thousands of women to literally DOUBLE the normal amount of fat-loss...?
Using this simple metabolic trick, you'll discover the SECRET to quickly losing TWO whole dress sizes, the way that countless other women just like you already have!
Next, did you know that STRESS can slow your weight-loss and reduce the amount of nutrients you absorb from food?
You'll get my 'Stress Buster Tool Kit', to relieve food guilt, emotional eating, and general life stress...
Are you an emotional eater? Do you eat when you're stressed out, and then feel guilty afterwards?
This is a problem that so many women face... but with my Stress Buster tool kit, you'll now find it easy to manage your stress and banish food guilt (you'll be amazed at how GOOD it feels to be free from emotional food hang-ups!)
Discover the 33+ additives hiding in your food that are really SUGARS! PLUS the truth about artificial sweeteners!
(Yup, these nasties are hiding in your food and filling out your waistline, without you even realizing it...)
Have you ever wondered what all those unpronounceable names are on the back of your cereal, ketchup, or "low-fat" yoghurt?
In Scientific Fat Loss you will learn which of these food additives are really sugars in disguise, that are sabotaging your weight loss!
(PLUS what you can replace them with, so you can still eat delicious foods while effortlessly slicing your sugar intake in half!)
Discover my 'Reverse Taper Method' to creating a RIDICULOUSLY efficient fat-burning metabolism, so your body AUTOMATICALLY burns fat around the clock...
After learning this simple technique, you can rev up your fat burning faster than a hummingbird on steroids... and STILL lose weight by eating MORE than most women ever allow themselves (no tiny 'dainty' portions here!)...
Just make this ONE little tweak, and your body will burn fat CONTINUOUSLY, twenty four hours a day, and NEVER slump back down into fat-storing mode ever again... EVEN if you were born with terrible genetics or a thyroid issue!
Discover the key 'Flab Busting' nutrient that's PROVEN to suppress hunger, increase fat-burning, and prevent fat-gaining metabolic syndrome...
Simply add this ONE nutrient to your diet and immediately skyrocket your fat-loss results!
Do You Suffer From Uncontrollable CRAVINGS?
You'll get my Ultimate Fat Burning 'Cheat System'... which allows you to strategically HONOR your body's cravings, without regaining body fat!

That's right... With My Scientifically-Designed 'Cheat System', You Can Get A Flat, Sexy Tummy Without EVER Restricting The Foods You Love!
If you have ever been on a strict diet only to eventually cave in to overwhelming cravings for your favorite 'no-go' foods... well, now you don't have to worry about ever resisting your cravings again...
Because I am going to teach you exactly how you can continue to enjoy your favorite high-calorie 'cheat' foods like pizza, chocolate, and wine... while strategically burning fat FASTER than ever before!
Plus, I am going to explain precisely why ignoring your cravings can actually SABOTAGE your weight loss... And how this is one of the biggest reasons why ALL diets eventually fail.
See, dieting is all about what you CAN'T have...
But with the Scientific Fat Loss Solution, you'll never feel hungry, and you'll never crave 'forbidden' foods, because there ARE no forbidden foods...

And when I say 'cheat', I mean, I want you to go the whole hog...
Pancakes and syrup for breakfast? Fine by me...
Pepperoni pizza for lunch? No problem at all...
Wine, pasta, and cheesecake for dinner? Be my guest...
Why do I require my clients to cheat extravagantly like this?
For three very good reasons...
Reason one: the metabolic boost that comes from a strategic surplus of calories...
Basically, as long as you cheat when I SAY to cheat, you'll successfully signal your metabolism to burn fat FASTER.
(Yup... when you cheat STRATEGICALLY, the way I tell you to... you actually INCREASE your fat burning!)
Reason two: the boost of leptin you receive...
Leptin is a powerful hormone that helps to burn fat and control cravings, keeping you satisfied for longer.
Reason three: the psychological 'relief valve' of knowing that there are no foods you can't have...
So you can continue to enjoy generous portions without any of those 'guilty' or fearful feelings...
When you cheat my way, you won't harm your metabolism and you won't gain the weight back... There's nothing you can't have, and you'll still lose all the weight you want... GUARANTEED!
PLUS: Do You Want To Reduce The Side Effects Of MENOPAUSE?
Scientific Fat-Loss Can Help To Alleviate Your Menopausal Symptoms!

Did you know that in traditional cultures who still eat a primarily wholefoods diet (how we used to eat 100+ years ago), menopause for most women is a non-event?
Which means, there's no hot flashes, there's no terrible mood swings, and virtually NONE of the other side effects we now consider 'normal' when going through menopause.
How is this possible? Because by eating the right foods to keep their hormones in optimal BALANCE, women's bodies go through these changes easily and naturally, WITHOUT nasty side effects and symptoms.
The #1 reason why so many women feel like they are 'dropping off the cliff' when they hit menopause around age 50 is because their diet and lifestyle has caused hormonal imbalances that make the menopausal period extremely stressful for the body.
You have the power to make your transition through menopause so much easier...
Even if you have not been living an optimal lifestyle for your body up 'til now, my holistic fat-loss program can help to make menopause an easier transition for you, and help to reduce the severity of menopausal side effects and symptoms...
(...Or, if you are already going through menopause, it may help to alleviate some of your symptoms).
PLUS: Do You Want To Slow Aging And Add YEARS To Your Life?
With My Hormonal Fat-Burning Method, You Can Get Your Hormones Back Into Balance And Greatly Reduce Premature Aging!

As a certified anti-aging expert, I know firsthand through years of medical experience exactly what makes some people age faster... and what makes others stay youthful into their 50's and 60's...
So, what's the deal?
Well, what premature aging really comes down to is sub-optimal living...
And most importantly, feeding your body the WRONG kind of foods that do not support your hormonal balance (which is EXTREMELY important when it comes to slowing aging)...
Of course, junk foods are obvious villains... but even some so-called "healthy" or "low-fat" foods can put a huge amount of stress on your endocrine system, pancreas, and insulin production... which can ultimately lead to hormone decline.
But in Scientific Fat-Loss, you will discover the EXACT foods that will help to maintain your optimal hormone levels, so that you can look (and FEEL) much more youthful and healthy as you age than your peers.
PLUS: Do You Want To Reduce Your Risk Of CANCER?
With My Fat-Burning Program, You Can Eliminate Many Lifestyle-Related Risk Factors Of Cancer!

Cancer is a tough one to talk about, I know... In fact, recent stats have shown that 1 in 2 US males and 1 in 3 US females will develop some form of cancer in their lifetime.
But here's something that may surprise you... Did you know that 96% of cancers are NOT genetically linked? Which means that the vast majority of people getting cancers today are because of how they've lived and what they've been exposed to.
In my clinic and also in my Scientific Fat-Loss program, I help my clients to identify and remove any cancer risk factors by supporting you to eat the right foods for your nutritional and hormonal needs, remove harmful toxins from your body, improve your hormonal balance, AND boost your immune system...
...So that as you burn fat and lose weight, you are also dramatically boosting your overall health and greatly reducing your risk of contracting one of the world's most LETHAL diseases...
You OWE IT TO YOURSELF to try this!
With my revolutionary Fat-Loss Program, you will get ALL of this… And so much more!
Have you had ENOUGH of crazy diets that just don't work long term?
Have you had enough of strategies that SABOTAGE your hormones and your biology?...
Do YOU need a strategy that works now AND for the long-term... something that gives you back the CONTROL over your body and your life instead of taking it away?
Well, now that solution is finally here...
Scientific Fat Loss For Women is different from everything else...

- It is NOT a diet...
- It is NOT a workout...
- It is NOT another stressful diet that has you obsessing about food and calories...
- It is NOT a plan that takes over your life...
- It's NOT something that leaves you tired, cranky, and uncontrollably craving sweets and snacks...
- It's NOT something dangerous that harms your body or destroys your fat burning potential long-term...
- ...And it is DEFINITELY NOT a strategy that works in the short term, only to hit you with surprise weight-gain, low energy, and cravings in the future...

Just imagine how it will feel when you have a body that is hormonally 'INCAPABLE' of gaining ugly fat or packing on pounds...
What it will be like, when you SEE your body shedding flabby fat and beginning to tighten, firm, and take shape...
What it will be like to EASILY slip into that gorgeous outfit you've always wanted to wear... without 'sucking in', and without 'tight spots'... not only is it comfortable, but it looks INCREDIBLE...

And what it will be like to replace stress and disconnect with amazing results, personal power, and that giddy feeling of body confidence every time you look in the mirror...
Because when you 'rewire' your fat-burning hormones using Scientific Fat Loss For Women...
The tried and true principle that been brutally tested and fine-tuned with HUNDREDS of real-life women just like you...
You can EXPECT (not just 'hope'!) to quickly see and experience the slim, beautiful figure you've always wanted...
Get The Gorgeous Body You've Always Wanted!
As soon as you start using my fat-burning system, you are going to notice some INCREDIBLE changes taking place in your body...

- Stubborn belly fat that has lived comfortably on your waistline for years will seem to melt away before your eyes...
- Flabby thighs that you've felt too embarrassed to show off in public will become so slim and toned you'll want to jump straight into that new bikini and walk proudly along the beach!...
- Excess fat around your chin will disappear, making your face appear 10 years younger...
- And with your glowing skin, defined cheekbones and sparkling eyes, your family and friends will be gushing over how gorgeous you look!...
- And that doesn't even come CLOSE to how your man is going to react when he sees you so happy and confident in your new sexy body...
- He literally won't be able to keep his eyes (or his hands) off you!...
...Can you imagine just how GOOD this is going to feel..?

To be filled with unlimited energy, happiness, and self-confidence each and every day...
To slip EASILY into beautiful outfits you'd never thought you'd be able to wear...
And to look and feel like a million bucks every time you see yourself in the mirror...?
...Right now, I want you to SAVOR that feeling, because that's exactly how you are going to feel every day for the rest of your life... Once you get your hands on this exclusive fat-burning system!
So by now, maybe you’re wondering… ‘Are you for REAL?’
‘Is this really guaranteed to work for ME?’…
‘How fast does this system work?’…
And… ‘How much is it?’
Before I answer all of these very important questions and more, let me ask you a question of my own…

If everything I’ve said is true, and you really will quickly shed belly fat and see the defined abs you’ve always wanted with my system…
Without dieting, and basically without doing ANYTHING you don’t want to do…
…What would that be worth to you?
To just do this one SIMPLE thing, and make an IMMEDIATE difference in your life...
Lose life-changing amounts of fat, and keep it off long-term... WITHOUT getting stressed out about food, or turning your life upside down?
I asked a few of my female clients what they thought, and they said the life-changing physical and emotional transformation they experienced was so priceless...
…They wouldn’t part with it for ANY amount of money!
In fact, here's what Kathy, one of my recent clients, has to say...

"Thanks to Dr. Eric Wood and his guidance in weight loss, I was able to lose over 22 lbs in just under six weeks! I was so delighted to drop two dress sizes for our son's wedding. I felt so wonderful... even beautiful that day.
My energy was better, my self-esteem sky rocketed, and I felt healthier. I was very proud of my accomplishment and so was my family. I couldn't have done it without Dr. Wood and his skill, knowledge and personalized attention."
Kathy, Minnesota.
And here's what Kristen has to say about her fat-loss results...

"I sought out working with Dr. Eric when I had reached a point I just couldn't take being heavy anymore. I experienced a doctor that was invested in what I told him I wanted for myself and he discussed the plan that best served my needs at the time.
I lost 21 pounds in 5 weeks and felt like a new person!
Throughout the 5 weeks he checked in with me to make sure I was doing well and if I needed any support with my plan. I loved having a doctor who was easily accessible and committed to me have the success I wanted. Thank you, Dr. Eric!"
Kristen M., Florida.
Do you want fast, effective fat-loss results just like Kathy and Kristen?
Then pay close attention, because there's something important you need to know...
If you joined the waitlist for my fat-loss clinic in Florida, I COULD coach you personally in my hormonal fat-burning program...
HOWEVER, I would have to charge you my hourly rate of $500 per hour...
PLUS I wouldn't be able to guarantee that I'd be able to start your fat-loss coaching for at least 6 months (no matter how far I tried to bump you up the list)...
But today, you are going to get exactly the same personal coaching and benefits, at less than a FRACTION of the price I would normally charge…
All because I have turned my entire hormonal fat-burning program into a complete, structured, scientifically sound downloadable course…
So you can get my complete system, including the full Scientific Fat-Loss course, PLUS all of my additional exclusive coaching videos, tips and resources in your home TONIGHT…
For MUCH less than what you would pay for ONE personal appointment with me!
And this hormonal fat-burning system comes at a retail value of RRP $230.99…
Which frankly, I think is more than fair...
Considering the hours of research, lab testing, data analysis, and diamond-cut refinement I've put into the making of this breakthrough fat-loss formula...
Not to mention the reassurance of knowing you have a qualified fat-loss specialist ready to help whenever you need it...
But today, because I realize that $230 is a lot of money for many people and I want to make my system available to ANY woman who really needs it, without having to stress and save up...
I'm offering you my incredible introductory offer...
Which means, today you're NOT going to pay $230.99 for my system…
You’re not going to pay $130.99…
Or even $77.99...
...You won't even pay $49.99!
By ordering today, you're going to get my full Scientific Fat Loss For Women system for my ridiculously low, limited-time opening special price...
...a one-time payment of only $230.99 $29.95!
Yes, that's right - click the Add to Cart button below to claim your incredible discount!
Today, You Can Take Full Advantage Of My Limited-Time-Only Opening Discount… And Get My Complete Fat-Loss System For Less Than A Tank Of Gas!
This is the proven, guaranteed, authoritative FINAL WORD on male fat loss…
While still having a LIFE, and literally cheating your way to a flat, lean belly, that’s yours forever…

All with zero weight regain … Zero cravings … Zero boredom…
No hiding at home with your diet foods and calorie counter…
No more spending hundreds or THOUSANDS of dollars on nutritionists or personal trainers that FAIL to get you the fat loss results you really want…
Just use this simple system to get the fast, tangible results that actually let you ENJOY weight loss…
You really do have to act NOW, though…
My marketing guy is insisting that the system is worth so much more than this ‘ridiculous’ price, that he actually says I’m being DUMB by giving it away for this incredible bargain…
And he is planning on RAISING the price (or maybe even doubling it) in the VERY near future…
Because he says most guys just won’t take my technique seriously unless I start charging A LOT more for it…
So this could be your last chance to grab this ENORMOUS discount before the price is raked back up to where it’s supposed to be…
So please, let me help you NOW, before this almost stupidly low price doubles, or even TRIPLES…
And… NOT ONLY Am I Giving You This Amazing Discount, I Am Also Giving You My WORD That My Program Will Get You Results Like NEVER Before…
If you, like THOUSANDS of other men before you, have ever been taken in by weight-loss programs that coast you SHEDLOADS of money but fail to get you the results you want…
Then I want you give you my WORD, that this time, it will be different…
In fact, because I believe in my fat-loss course so strongly, right now I am giving you the opportunity to try out the complete Scientific Fat Loss system with total confidence, at absolutely no risk to yourself…
That’s right… if you don’t experience absolutely jaw-dropping results from my program within the first two whole months of using it…
Then I am going to give 100% (or even 200%!) of your money back through my ironclad guarantees…
To Make Sure You Are Completely Covered, I Am Giving You My Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee
I’m so confident you’re going to be ECSTATIC with the amazing physical transformation you experience after using Scientific Fat Loss For Women.

60-day Satisfaction Guarantee
Try Scientific Fat Loss for yourself for 60 days. If for ANY reason you are not 100% satisfied, simply email my customer support team for a no hassle, 100% money-back refund.
I am confident that this system WORKS, and you will be so AMAZED with the fat-loss results you are getting, that you will never want to send it back!
Dr. Eric Wood, ND
Founder of “Scientific Fat Loss System”
Secure YOUR Copy Of "Scientific Fat Loss For Women" Right Now!
All you need to do to secure your copy of Scientific Fat Loss For Women today, fully covered by my comprehensive 60 day money-back guarantees, is to click on the 'Add to Cart' below.
You will receive the FULL program today for just RRP $230.99 $29.95… if you act NOW!

The 8 Week Hormonal Secret To A Rock-Hard Belly, Superhuman Health, And Faster Fat-Burning At Any Age

RRP $230.99 $29.95

So, how can I afford to be so ridiculously generous and shoulder ALL of the financial risk like this…?
Well, for two extremely good reasons…
Because I KNOW with full confidence that you will NEVER want to take advantage of this generous guarantee…
Because you will be so thrilled and STUNNED with your fast, easy, spectacular fat-loss results!
But, the guarantee is there for your protection, JUST in case…
Because I know how well this system works…
I’ve seen the PROOF, with HUNDREDS of my male clients, just like Mark, Jeremy, Johnny and Andrew…
I’ve seen my guy friends use it and get INCREDIBLE results…
In fact, my system works so amazingly well for men of all ages, no matter how much weight you want to lose, that it is absolutely guaranteed to work!
This fat-loss system is different to ALL others… And it is not available ANYWHERE else!

Struggling to lose baby weight? Metabolism slowed with age? Too busy to diet? Zero willpower? Thyroid problems? Hate working out? Bad genetics?
…With Scientific Fat-Loss, You Can STILL Lose Life-Changing Amounts of Fat… And Keep It Off Long-Term!
I’m not just telling you this, I am PROMISING you this…
Within just 2 months from now, you could have the toned, lean figure that will take YEARS from your face and body… PLUS take your energy and drive to crazy new heights…
You owe it to YOURSELF to try this!
'Yes Dr Eric! I Want Instant Access To Scientific Fat Loss For Women Right Now!'
And if this absolute STEAL of a price doesn’t have you pumping with excitement yet, then I’m about to make this an even sweeter deal for you…
If you choose to order Scientific Fat-Loss for Women TODAY and COMMIT to getting the hot, lean, toned body you've always wanted, not ONLY will you get "Scientific Fat Loss For Women" at this shockingly low price...
I’m ALSO going to give you these FIVE incredible exclusive bonuses for FREE…
Because I KNOW how stunningly effective and life-changing they really are, and I want to give you EVERYTHING you could ever need to maximize your hormonal fat-burning and achieve your perfect figure starting TODAY...
For taking action right now, you are getting a PILE of free amazing bonuses that will NEVER be available ANYWHERE else...
They are ONLY available here... (YES - you absolutely can't afford to miss out!)
Super Bonus #1
Premium Lifetime Access To The VIP Fat-Loss Recipe Vault

Do you want EXCLUSIVE premium access to the world’s best VIP fat-loss recipe vault, that will make cooking delicious weight-loss recipes not only ridiculously EASY, but FUN too?
With this exclusive 2 year membership, all you have to do is simply enter your login credentials, and you get instant access to the hundreds of premium fat-loss recipes, special tips, and exclusive interviews with fat-loss experts…
And you can rest assured that each recipe is professionally vetted by me and my staff for maximum taste, ease, and fat-burning potential…
PLUS, each recipe also comes with its very own step by step how-to cooking video, showing one of our staff members cooking each meal from scratch right along with you…
So if you’re in the mood for a private cooking lesson, you can simply prop up your laptop, tablet, or phone right there in the kitchen, and just follow along as our friendly staff walk you through exactly how to create amazing meals from scratch!
Membership to the VIP vault is normally $37 per month… But today, you get a full 2 year membership for FREE! (That’s an unbelievable $888 value!)
Super Bonus #2
Secrets Of Eternal Youth: Exclusive 1 Hour Video Recording (Plus Transcript)

Want to slow down aging? If you act now, you’ll get my exclusive Secrets of Eternal Youth anti-aging video…
Where I will share with you my top 3 anti-aging secrets, which I usually ONLY share with my clients in the anti-aging medical clinic where I work as the medical director…
But today, you can get the inside medical scoop on how to rewind signs of aging, heal your body from the inside out, and not only make yourself LOOK 10 years younger, but FEEL 10 years younger too…
And better yet, while my clients usually pay up to $500 per hour for my time, you’re about to get the exact same secrets here for FREE…
Because if you act now, I’m going to flat out GIVE this exclusive footage + transcript to you… Only because you are acting fast and are committed to your weight-loss and anti-aging goals!
Strip years from your face and body WITHOUT taking any weird ‘pills’ or ‘potions’… This is hardcore proven medical science that actually WORKS!
Super Bonus #3
EXCLUSIVE Metabolic Boosting Secrets Video Collection

Do you want to boost your fat burning potential by 80%? With my exclusive Metabolic Boosting Secrets video collection…
Today, you can get immediate access to my full collection of bite-sized fat-loss videos, where I provide special tips and easy tools you can implement to QUICKLY boost your fat loss and achieve incredible results…
And having coached thousands of weight loss clients at my specialty clinic in Florida, I’ve seen firsthand what works and what doesn’t…
Meaning that these videos will give you a unique metabolic edge when it comes to your personal fat loss journey, because it’s like having me right there in the room with you, answering questions and fixing your problem areas one-on-one…
Again, the tools I give in these videos are reserved exclusively for my private clients, who pay me up to $500 an hour…
Yet, by joining today, you’re getting the entire collection included complimentary with your access to Scientific Fat Loss… all yours, free!
Simply watch these short medically-sound video clips, or read the transcripts that come with them, and use this incredible material to boost your fat loss by up to eighty percent… guaranteed!
Super Bonus #4
The 12 Week Paleo Transition Guide

Did you know that your LIVER might be a huge part of your weight-loss problem? It’s true…
Chemicals and sugars in processed foods (even the ‘healthy’ ones), can literally clog your liver and drag your weight-loss to a grinding halt… Even if you’re doing EVERYTHING else perfectly!
With this 12 week paleo transition guide, you can wash away all the junk and garbage that your body’s holding onto internally, and give your fat burning metabolism a MASSIVE kick in the butt…
And, this isn’t some painful ‘juice cleanse’ detox or any of that garbage… This detox is actually FUN, EASY, and takes all of the HARD WORK out for you…
Fully complete and detailed, you will get week-by-week, day-by-day meal plans and shopping lists, so you always know EXACTLY what to do… making your transition to paleo easy-breezy!
Plus, this ultimate transition guide comes powered with an entire juicy bag of weight-loss maximizing tricks, including my best PSYCHOLOGICAL weight-loss tricks…
(So you can EMOTIONALLY-ARM yourself against the typical ‘weight loss sabotage’ that people without support often experience…)
And the best part? ALL of the foods in this detox (including the mouth-watering desserts), are specifically designed to powerfully increase your fat-burning metabolism, and prepare you for an EFFORTLESS transition to your new sexy body…
So as you rid your body of harmful toxins and melt away pounds of FAT, you can still be enjoying HUGE portions of sweet, chocolaty dessert… How awesome is that??
Super Bonus #5
Think Weight Away Weight Loss Hypnosis Course

Is a mental barrier holding you back from getting the body you want? Use this comprehensive six-part self-hypnosis audio program to reprogram your mind to lose weight ‘unconsciously’ and without effort…
This is a UNIQUE formula that will literally skyrocket your success… It is one of my most SECRET ‘forbidden techniques’ and I’ve never shared it with ANYONE before now…
How does it work so well? Because it teaches you the 6 easy steps to literally making yourself psychologically ENJOY losing weight…
And the results you can achieve with this are so valuable that they are literally priceless…
With no more mental barriers holding you back, you can achievable INCREDIBLE weight-loss results!
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Scientific Fat Loss System |
$29.95 |
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2 Year Membership To The VIP Fat-Loss Recipe Vault |
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Secrets of Eternal Youth Anti-Aging Video |
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Metabolic Boosting Secrets Video Collection |
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The 12 Week Paleo Transition Guide |
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Think Weight Away Self Hypnosis Course |
I know, I know – it’s a ridiculously amazing deal!However, I can’t extend this discount for too much longer… I can only guarantee it to you if you act today!
And once these life-changing bonuses are removed from my system, you will have to pay the full retail price of THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for them…
So I am urging you… don’t let your money go to waste… get them FREE WHILE YOU STILL CAN!
You will receive ALL of those bonuses FREE and MORE... If you secure YOUR copy of Scientific Fat Loss For Women TODAY!
Having these bonuses is like having me right there in the privacy of your home with you...
Taking you by the hand and coaching you, training you, inspiring you and cheerleading you through every single step of the journey, until you have the incredible dream body you've always wanted...
And, look...
What you're getting in this package is worth literally HUNDREDS of dollars...
Normally, you wouldn't be able to receive my fat-loss coaching at all...
You'd have to get on the waiting list, fly to my hometown, and pay hundreds of dollars for my hourly package rate...
Yet, by ordering today, RIGHT NOW... You can get the ENTIRE guaranteed, foolproof, medically sound, tried and true Scientific Fat Loss For Women System...
Including every single proven, strictly-tested, completely guaranteed technique, to quickly see and experience the flat tummy and ideal figure you've always wanted...
For an ENORMOUSLY discounted price... (just $484.84 $29.95!)...
AND receive ALL of these incredible bonuses for FREE!
“Yes! I don’t need to read any more…
I want instant access to Scientific Fat Loss right now!”
So here's what you need to do for me to actually make all this REAL in your life...
First, click on the Add To Cart button above right now, and you'll be taken immediately to a completely safe, protected 'member's only' website...
Where you can use your debit card, credit card, or Paypal, to complete your order and start the course downloading immediately...
And remember, you are under no obligation to keep this, and if you want a refund at any time for any reason at all in the next 60 days, I will issue it to you immediately, and you and I will still be friends...
Then, here's what's going to happen next...
You click the course 'download' link, open to Lesson One... and immediately start soaking up all the clear, scientifically-supported steps to instantly maximize your fat loss...
And, as you're about to see for yourself... there's no garbage, no filler, and no fluff in my fat-loss system...
Every single page is laid out clearly and simply, so it's a pleasure to go through each lesson... and you can immediately start testing out the first three practical steps to reset your hormones TONIGHT...
And when you do that, you're going to start experiencing changes in your figure IMMEDIATELY...
Changes that are going to make you look and feel like a million bucks every time you look in the mirror...
...Plus, because I'm offering my fat-loss system to you via the internet, you reap the benefits of:
- Zero shipping costs.
- No waiting around - forget waiting for weeks for postal delivery. You can get started right now!
- The privacy of doing this in your own home.
- No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged.
- You receive my products at a lower price because they cost me less to produce.
All you need to do to get instant access is simply click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button below!
Yes Dr. Eric, I Want To Order My Copy Of 'Scientific Fat Loss For Women' Right Now!
I want to unlock my body's natural fat-burning hormone so I can finally get the hot, lean, sexy body I've always wanted... starting tonight!
I understand that by saying YES, I'll get your full Scientific Fat Loss For Women program, including the FIVE limited-time-only super bonuses, so I can start applying your fat-burning hormonal secret in my life immediately!
I am thankful for the generous 60-day guarantee which makes my decision to lose weight I want that much easier!
I also understand that because I am acting fast and I'm fully committed to getting the figure I want, if I order now, I will get the Scientific Fat Loss For Women Instant Download for
Just $484.84 $29.95!
The Hidden DANGERS Of Excess Fat…
I know you’ve heard it all before when it comes to the health risks of being overweight… heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes…

And I’m NOT trying to preach to the converted here…
But there’s another really lethal hidden danger of having excess fat that is not commonly known or talked about, and can affect men even when they are only slightly overweight…
And I’ll try not to go too much into the nitty-gritty science, but guys, here’s what you NEED to know:
When you’ve got extra body fat, it actually acts as an endocrine gland, which means it produces more estrogen (the group of hormones usually associated primarily with women’s sexual and reproductive development).
And with this over-production of estrogen, your body is pushed out of hormone balance.
So when you’re 20, 30, 40, 60, 80 pounds overweight, the more excess fat you have, the more extra estrogen you are producing… Which is going to lead to more hormonally-related complaints, including:

- Low sex drive
- Impotency/ erectile dysfunction
- Gynecomastia, or “man boobs”
- Low energy
- Infertility
- Weight gain
- Water retention and bloating
- Increased cardiovascular disease risk
…And not ONLY can an excess of estrogen lead to the damaging symptoms above, it can ALSO lead to an increased risk of hormone-linked cancers such as prostate, testicular or even breast cancer (YES – guys can get breast cancer too)…
How? Because there’s too much estrogen and not enough progesterone being produced.
Luckily, there is a way you can REVERSE the damaging effects of estrogen-dominance, and massively decrease your risk of disease…
Even if you are more than 10 pounds overweight right now, with my scientifically-designed fat-burning program, you will quickly and easily melt away excess fat and get your body back into healthy hormonal balance…
All by eating the PRECISE foods which have scientifically PROVEN to trigger your hormones to burn your fat for fuel instead of storing it (remember, your hormones are your body’s most powerful messengers)…
So that in just two weeks, one month, or six months from now (depending of course on how much fat you have to lose), you could be lean, toned, masculine and back in CONTROL of your body...
And better yet, you could add YEARS to your life by doing this…
Right now, you have two choices…
5 Reasons Why Ordering ‘Scientific Fat Loss’ Right Now Will Be The Best Decision You Ever Make:
- Within a few minutes from now, you can gain instant download access to Scientific Fat Loss For Women and start learning the simple but devastatingly effective techniques that will INSTANTLY start melting away your unwanted FAT... Giving you the hot, sexy body that will look amazing in everything you wear... And make other women green with ENVY!
- Hundreds of other women all over the world have already used my fat-loss system to get the toned, lean body they've always dreamed of... And if you too want to be jumping up and down with excitement and joy every time you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, then you need to ACT NOW and take full advantage of the hormonal fat-burning secret contained within Scientific Fat Loss For Women before it's too late.
- If you don't make the decision to take action and get the body you want RIGHT NOW, you may be the woman who looks at herself in the mirror in two years time and wishes that she had taken up this amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to burn away unwanted fat and get the body of her dreams. Trust me, you DON'T want to be that woman... You owe it to yourself to let me help you right now to get the gorgeous body that you deserve... The body that will have you soaring through life with so much energy, happiness, and self-confidence that your cheeks will literally ache from all the grinning...
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"Yes! I Don't Want To Wait One More Second To Get The Dream Body I've Always Wanted!"
I look forward to getting a letter from you, telling me all about the amazing, fat-burning success you have experienced after using Scientific Fat Loss For Women to get the toned, sexy, incredible figure you've always wanted...
Even though I get an enormous amount of mail, please write to me...
And remember, you have nothing (but FAT) to lose!
Dr. Eric Wood, ND
Founder of “Scientific Fat Loss For Women”
P.S. This course is an electronic download so you can get started right away! No shipping, no waiting! And remember, this devastatingly low price of just $230.99 $29.95 is not going to be around for long, so if you want to get the whole Scientific Fat Loss For Women system with the FIVE added super bonuses, you need to Act Now! Don't wait another SECOND to start experiencing the incredible total body transformation that is going to give you the sexy, gorgeous body you've always dreamed of...
P.P.S. If you don't order Scientific Fat Loss For Women right now, you may never look in the mirror and see the lean, toned, sexy body you've always wanted looking back at you... And finally have on the OUTSIDE what reflects your true self on the inside. With my instant fat-loss system, you can finally achieve what you have never been able to achieve before...
P.P.P.S. You have absolutely nothing to lose by ordering Scientific Fat Loss For Women, no matter what country you're in... as you are completely backed by my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If for any reason you are not completely, 1000% satisfied, just send me an email within 60 days of your purchase and I'll issue you a full refund - no questions asked!
Yes Dr Eric! I Want Instant Access To The System That Is Going To Give Me The Incredible Figure I've Always Dreamed Of!
Get The Complete 'Scientific Fat Loss For Women' Right Now!